Yet, where has the world been for the past few years? As the country tumbles further and further into abject poverty.
All of a sudden this crisis is sexy. All of a sudden we pay attention. We update our facebook statuses saying "Pray for Haiti" or brag about what we are doing to help.
Where has this attention been in the past?
It's like Christmas, when the homeless shelters are flooded with turkeys and hams to give out to the clientele. Not only can these people not cook these donations, but they need help during April, and February, and August.
My thoughts and prayers are with Haiti. My thoughts and prayers are also with Pat Robertson and anyone who agrees with the sentiments of hatred that he has shared with the world. This world is terribly broken. And how tragic that he spoke hate in such a time as this.
By all means, give aid and seek ways to help these people, but as the news reports dwindle (and they already have), remember these people, and all those who struggle in poverty stricken countries such as Haiti.